Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Bear and The Nightingale

Last night, I closed the cover of the beautifully, enchanting book The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden. It was a tale that dove back into the olden days of Russia; and was full of the magic that floated softly through the times’ frozen forests and flared above the warm fires in those ancient homes.

It is the story of Vasilisa,  a young girl who lives with her family weeks away from any major city. For decades, her small village has lived a peaceful existence inside the rules of the church, all the while never forgetting the spirits, rituals, and customs of their ancestors. But as Vasilisa grows, a devout stepmother and young priest, challenge the balance of that life, and threaten the future of them all. Vasilisa realizes that she must break with the will of those surrounding her and trust in her own strength, if she is to save her world and the people she loves most.

Certain aspects of it reminded me unmistakably of Eowyn Ivey’s The Snow Child, one of my most beloved, favorite books. Both stories existed in an age now forever gone, both were worlds of frozen snow lit beauty, and both brought to life a young girl full of fierce fire and magic. Just as with The Snow Child, I’d hoped this book would never end.

If your reading preferences center around books firmly set in the realities of daily life then this probably isn’t the tale for you. If however, you love to get lost inside a story that makes you believe true magic is possible, seek out a copy as soon as possible, and enjoy.  

Monday, May 15, 2017

Sparklets and Florilegia

For the past six months or so, I have been an eager listener of the podcast 'Harry Potter and the Sacred Text'. Each new show focuses on a specific chapter and analyzes what takes place through the lens of a pre-determined theme (i.e. mercy, fear, thankfulness, regret etc...). The two hosts also apply a Spiritual Practice to certain sections of that chapter for deeper analysis. For those of you who have loved the Harry Potter books I highly recommend listening; and for those of you who haven't read the books, stop reading this immediately and go get them!

One of the Spiritual Practices is - Florilegia. An edited definition from their website is "a compilation of excerpts from other writings". In the podcast, the two hosts will pick the sentences or phrases that jumped out and spoke to them in that particular chapter; they then string them together to see what new meaning(s) they are able to discover. They call the lines they've chosen 'sparklets'.

I love this idea. As far back as I can remember, I've written down quotes from books, songs, movies...anything that struck me as profound, or beautiful, or something I could completely relate to. I've occasionally even shared those beloved favorites on this blog. So I decided to practice Floriglegia myself. However, instead of honing in on just one book or chapter, I've chosen words from any book, song, poem, thought, conversation, etc....that 'sparkled' in my mind. I began this quest last Sunday and finished Saturday night. Here are all my sparklets in the order they came to me.

What you really want at the end is a surprising inevitability. What you really want is the characters to be changed at the end. As long as hate dwells in the human heart, real peace is impossible. You will become your favorite color. Complacency is lethal. It is the wrong time to be thinking of you; it's the wrong place to be cheating on you. What makes city life meaningful is what you hide. What our heart intends and what our words intend. Was I born wild, have I been asleep this whole damn time. Life, too, slipped by in much the same way, speeding up as it ran along the tracks laid out by time and fortune. It's not a mistake it's just a layer. How difficult it was to tell the truth and be sincere at the same time. All behavioral has a communication. Your body keeps score of all that happened. Just be free. Little by little that fiery glow, the light to take ones breath, had faded. He had seen when her soul lit her face like firelight. The story's always talking, you just gotta listen.

I'm still working on unearthing a deep meaning from them, but I did instantly spot an underlying theme running through most of my sparklets (with a few outliers thrown in). I'll tie what I see into another post that I'm working on, but in the meantime I'm open to others interpretations. I know the same thing is interpreted differently by different people, and sometimes people on the outside of a story are able to see things those on the inside can't. So anyone, everyone, out there - thoughts, ideas...


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Hi Mom

Hi Mom,

Happy Mother’s Day! I wish I could be there to celebrate you in person, but I hope at least that you are enjoying a day of peace and light. I hope you had a fabulous breakfast, partook in lots of flower shopping, and got to hold each of your grandsons. I hope that you feel loved and special, because you are.
Not long ago, I was given a writing challenge which asked me to share five blessings in my life. I tried to forgo the obvious (family, friends, Faelina, etc.…) and pick a few of the slightly more subtle gifts instead. The first thing I thought of was “My mother’s wild spirit”. I wrote that you were brave and had sought to a life full of adventure, refusing to live by any other’s wishes.
I’m sure that marriage and motherhood calmed you somewhat, but I think your wild essence remained. Growing up you shared that sprit with us girls, through mushing and road trips and a refusal to keep your beliefs and opinions quiet. Without those lessons I might not have had the courage to seek out my own dreams, realize my own freedom.
I hope that one day I will be able to celebrate Mother’s Day with you in person again. Until then though never forget you were wild once, don’t let them tame you.
I love you forever,

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Dreams of Far Off Places

I've lived a rather light hearted mood today, partly as I keep getting lost in daydreams about far off lands. A writing challenge I did not too long ago, asked me to list the 5 places I wanted most wanted to visit. The answers came quickly, though of course I couldn't just pick places firmly here on earth, my imagination just wouldn't allow for it. So I have a list for unreality too!


1.) Ireland - green, magical, ancient
2.) Iceland - Wild. A place where nature always rules
3.) Antarctica - cold, dry, full of winter, empty
4.) Venice - A city without streets, a vibrant taste of olden times
5.) Greece - is the water truly that blue? are the buildings really such a perfect white?


1.) Hogwarts - I think that this is my favorite of all places that will ever, could ever exist
2.) Waterfall City - in Dinotopia, this place just sounds too beautiful to pass up!
3.) Rivendell - All of Middle Earth really, but Rivendell seems the most lovely
4.) The 9 Kingdoms - I live there, happily, forever after
5.) Belle's Library - my dream home!

Those are my places, what would yours be?


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wild Calls

Driving home from work just now, I was working through some serious thoughts. This was the only way to release them.

Stagnation forever drowns the soul
the breath of wild breaks it free
A lone wolf cries to the moon
beckoning Winters' child.

It's up to you to answer that call.
Ignore it and your heart will bleed.
