Sunday, June 26, 2016

A Letter to My Nephews

To my two darling nephews Tanner David and David William,

You are both brand new to this world, barely week has passed since you each took your first breath. I am blown away by how beautiful you both are, and with each new picture the love that began when I first learned of your existence has grown higher than the stars in the night sky. I wish more than anything that I could be in Alaska right now to celebrate your lives. I so desperately yearn to see with my own eyes your tiny fingers and toes, to feel the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe, to hear your little baby cries, to hold you in my arms and tell you how much I love you. The fact that I'm not in Alaska hurts. But this letter is not about me, it's about you two and everything I hope your lives will be.

I want you to have the best childhood. To grow up loving Disney movies, even the princess ones. Watch your favorites over and over again no matter how crazy it drives your parents! Spend birthdays happily diving into presents, cakes full of candles, and ice cream with chocolate sauce. Enjoy sticky Saturday mornings amongst huge stacks of chocolate chip pancakes drizzled with maple syrup and whip cream. I can't wait for you to discover the delicious fun of chocolate chip cookie dough and the warm delight of hot cocoa after a frozen day out in the winter woods. And, when you're older, I'll be sure to introduce you to the magical elixir that is coffee (that is if Grandma Berg hasn't beaten me to it!)! Read and listen to books on cd (if cds are still around in a few years). It will be so exciting to find out which story will be the one to captivate your imagination and unlock for you the magical infinite worlds that books hold. The best thing ever will be to see you fall under the unbreakable vow of the extraordinary, wonderful world of Harry Potter and daydream that you yourself will one day wander the halls of Hogwarts. You both have parents whose lives have been enriched by animals and my wish is that you share that love and learn early the unmatchable comfort that a purring cat and tail-wagging dog can provide.

You were born in one of the most incredible places on this planet, and I hope that you feel safe and inspired by the Alaska mountains surrounding you, but don't be afraid to search the world and discover the place where you each truly belong. Travel, have grand adventures, become wild and free at the edge of the of any ocean, and feel the old power that blows through the earth’s vast deserts. Learn how to lose yourself in the beauty of the outdoors, feel how it can both electrify and calm you, alight your passions and sooth your soul.

If you are anything like me then there will be times that living with parents can be a struggle, no matter what though, never doubt their love for you. And when the time comes that they tell you can't doing something you really, really want to do try to see through your frustrations and look for the wisdom that lies behind that decision. On the other hand, when your moms start to tell stories about your crazy Aunt Kelly keep in mind that I have stories about them too that I will happily share. Also craziness can sometimes be fun!  I hope that you are blessed with the gift of true lifelong friends who will always have your back, even when you screw up (and believe me this will happen, we all screw up) and that as you grow good health and only minor scrapes and bruises follow you.

In fact, if I had my way your lives would always be perfect and your childhood innocence would never fade. I know that's impossible though and, unfortunately, there will be times this world will throw at you horrors and sadness and pain. When that happens you might feel fear and that is completely ok. You might cry and that is ok too. There is nothing wrong with being sad or scared; what matters most is how you handle it. When those moments do come knocking  just remember to hold onto the core of who you are and breathe with courage. Stand tall with minds full of dreams and magic and bravery you will be unstoppable. And don't ever let self-doubt or cruel people make you question your worth. You are special and hold a universe of unimaginable power within your mind. It is that uniqueness that has thrown onto this world a splash of sparkle that can never be replaced by anyone or anything ever. Never, ever forget that you make this planet a better place by existing.

I have one last thing to say, something that your Grandpa Berg once wished for me, and it has never led me wrong so far. Follow Your Bliss. Explore the pathways of all your interests regardless of fear, doubt, or naysayers; and when you do stumble upon that something which sets off fireworks in your soul, chase that passion with everything you have. Do whatever it takes to follow the path of your heart because only the attainment of your own personal destiny will make you truly happy.

The words in this letter are only a tiny snowflake in the Arctic tundra of what I wish for you. I cannot wait to watch you step your way through the phases of life, to discover the wonders of this world, and to experience the small joys that can make life so amazing. It will be an honor to one day meet the men you will ultimately become. Don't grow up too fast though I need to see you little guys first!

                           Love you always and forever,
                                                         Aunt Kelly

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