Grateful that I made it to now before I ever needed a crown. Grateful I have insurance to pay half the cost. Grateful that I don't live in a time where most people had lost all their teeth by my age (Fun Fact: did you know Queen Elizabeth I brushed her teeth with sugar). That our human minds have developed the knowledge needed to keep our teeth, and treat tooth pain & decay. That other human minds have created the technological tools needed to perform each and every thing dentists, and their wonderful employees, do. It's amazing really.
I normally fall on the side of 'we humans are terrible, we are destroying the planet'. I normally focus wholly on the awe inspiring workings the ocean, the trees, the other animals inside our vast kingdom of a world. But today, I am choosing to also revel in the wonders that lie inside the mystery of the human brain, and the magnificent ability of ours to CREATE.