Pintrest is one of those evil, time wasting, soul sucking, mind warping
websites, that pulls one with the lure and promise of every wonderful thing you
could imagine, leading you to believe that all great things are possible.
Fact: I love Pintrest.
Fact: I REALLY love Pintrest, and could easily spend a whole day sitting in
front of my computer doing nothing but searching through the magnificence of its
thousands upon thousands of boards. Luckily for me and my to-do list, I do not
have internet at my apartment and therefore do not have the capability to do
this. Instead every Saturday I have dinner with friends, I curl up in my
favorite chair, plug in my laptop and get lost in the world of wonderfulness.
last Saturday during my weekly scroll I came across this graphic:
some reason I really love the idea of taking all the wonderful things in your
life and coming up with the best ever. Of course the best things for one person
are not the favorites of the other and this is the case here, and I’ve spent
the last few days thinking about my own “Best Things in the World”. I should say though, that regardless of what
this list is titled, or what I have chosen, the best and most important things
in my life are my family and friends. The presence of just one of them has
enriched my life further then all the things on this list combined. The fact
that I have so many family and friends that fall into this category means that
I have an incredibly rich life. This also is definitely not a static list. I
know a year ago I would have chosen differently and a year from now this list
will probably be different as well. But right now these are it for me.
now without further ado, here is my list of
Things in the World:
An Alaskan Christmas morning spent inside with my family sitting around out wood stove fire with the snow falling outside
cat’s purr
The night sky - whether is clear and the stars are sparkling, or the full moon is glowing through the misty clouds, I look up at the sky and I am complete.
Creating, celebrating and laughing at inside jokes/blonde moments with your best friend
perfect chocolate chip cookie
smell of fresh ground, just brewed coffee – and that first sip
moment when you realize the book you’re reading isn’t just good – it’s one that
will change your life forever
to Harry Potter narrated by Jim Dale
the airport picking up family, or a friend, whom you haven’t seen in forever
and you have that whole vacation ahead of you
fresh, crisp, organic apple – or a whole basket of them!
So there they are. It was fun coming up
with them, and hopefully this will inspire some of you to think up your own
best things ever!