Thursday, July 10, 2014

Coffee Love

The Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard loved coffee, had amassed a collection of 50 coffee cups, and had an assistant. Every day, the assistant would pick a cup, fill it with coffee and bring it to the philosopher, who would then have his assistant explain why he had chosen the cup he had on that day. I love this for many reasons....

1)  Coffee love is the central focus of this story.
2)  I collect 2 things in life, books and coffee cups. Knowing there are others out there who can't resist a great mug is fabulous.
3)  He has an assistant, I would so love to have an assistant.
4)  He has someone who brings him coffee every day, this would be like the epitome of heaven for me.
5)  I love that the assistant is asked to state why he chose one cup over all the other 49. I do this daily with myself and my own small collection, and it's a great way to be forced to evaluate the day and all the factors that have presented themselves in just the short time between waking and coffee. It also makes one slightly more aware of their present state of mind, because I have found how I feel about life and myself does make a difference.
6) Coffee love again - I always love stories about coffee!
Søren Kierkegaard in the coffee-house, 1843
And speaking of coffee...

I discovered this recipe for dark chocolate ice cubes last week. I made them over the weekend and they have been a delightful change to my iced coffee these last few days. I highly recommend them as an alternative to those who do not like the watering down awfulness that regular ice cubes do to iced coffee (coffee ice cubes are also small miracles!).  The only thing I did differently was substitute agave syrup with honey, enjoy!

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