First is a picture my best friend shared with me. It speaks to that part of me which has always been drawn to magic, fairytales, and the night sky...
And then there was this article I found while scrolling through NPR. I love history and I love NPR and I especially love when NPR brings those two things together!

Next is something I am really excited about, because I am a complete nerd who loves libraries! The Brooklyn Public Library has a form on their website that you can fill out on the books, authors and genres you love and those you don't. A librarian will then take that form and send you a list of recommended books based on the information you gave them. It takes a few weeks but you will get a response, and I know it's an actual librarian sending it because she sent a follow up e-mail to correct a spelling mistake she had made in the first one.
Here was my list:
Room with a View by E.M. Forster
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly
Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning
The Memoirs of Mary Queen of Scots by Carolly Erickson
Since I just started reading Game of Thrones by George RR Martin (I just watched season 1 and am now addicted), it will be a little while before I read any of these but I definitely will. For anyone who would like a list of their own here is the link:
And speaking of books, I just finished reading "Mr Penumbra's 24 Bookstore" written by Robin Sloan. I found this book on the Staff Pick's shelf at the library. That shelf has become my favorite place to find new books because you get such a variety of both popular and not so popular books. This particular one caught my eye because of the title, I mean who wouldn't want a bookstore that's open all day every day - it sounds like heaven! I enjoyed the book, and I particularly loved this line...
"He's like a storybook spirit, a little djinn or something, except instead of air or water his element is imagination"
Keeping with the topic of reading, this post is something I actually first read last year when a friend sent it to me. I liked it so much then that I printed it out. I stumbled across this week in my search for something else and loved it just as much on my second read through as the first.
and then I found this. It highlights the beauty of the world when the sun goes down; it explains well why night is my favorite time of day. I love it completely.
My last link is something that all true coffee lovers will appreciate - especially those of you who recently were put on a 6 week caffeine ban, oh wait that was me :)
And then there is this. These days my sweet little kittens' favorite activities are attacking the Christmas tree ornaments, strolling along the kitchen counter, or hanging out on mom's laptop. I think which one she likes most depends on what she thinks will get me to pay attention faster (since I don't like her doing any of those). She left this little "signature" last night when I'd walked away from my computer for just a minute. For some reason it struck me and I decided to keep it...I think I really may be losing my mind.
That's all for now. Maybe my next post will be a little more profound and insightful, but until the next serious post, or the next goofy one, I hope you all have a disarmingly dazzling, delightful day!
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