Faelina finds the good quality expensive food I buy distasteful, and instead prefers the food meant for Stephanie's cat. Faelina refuses to touch the treats I give her, unless Synge gets one first - she doesn't like Synge getting something and not her. Faelina pushes Synge out of the way when I feed them, because she doesn't believe in letting others go first. Faelina spends the night curled up calmly by my legs, but pounces whenever Synge decides to crawl under the blanket and curl up in my arms - heaven forbid she not get the most attention. Faelina waits until we're not looking to jump on counters and steal the kids food, even though she knows this is NOT allowed. Faelina likes to pick fights with Steph's, hissing at him through the glass door, even though she is inside a nice warm house and he is not. Faelina likes to write things on my computer because a) the keyboard is warm and b) she knows that gets my attention real quick. Faelina has put holes in every piece of clothing I own and given me more scratches then I can count, all due to her daily workouts that entail climbing straight up me.
Faelina is kind of a punk.
and yet...

She only climbs me every day because she always wants me to hold her, and my left shoulder is her favorite space on this earth. She has such delightful zest and determination to catch the lights and shadows that dance across the floors and walls as the sun starts to rise, or twilight begins to fall. Her unceasing fascination with the falling snow outside never fails make my heart smile, and I just love the way she walks across the room, slinking her body in an S shape with her long tail doing the same. She has made Synge happier, given her more peace, than I ever could have hoped, and her quiet purr is one of my most favorite sounds in the world. She has become my shining star, bringing joy to my life each and every day. And as I sit here watching her golden eyes race back and forth trying to keep up with the snow floating past my window I am filled with gratitude that the universe saw fit to bring her into my life.
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