Friday, April 28, 2017


A few days ago, a good friend experienced a loss. It was not only sudden but belief-defying, and the magnitude of it left them, momentarily at least, shaken. I wrote this poem that afternoon.

We live in a world where Pain, it breathes
  hotter than any dragon's fire
and then with every step in life
  Jealousy’s wall climbs, just a little bit higher
Confusion, Loss, clawing Sadness
  drowns hearts with a fear that’s ocean deep
Is it any wonder that in this flawless madness,
  We hunt for magic in our dreams



Thursday, April 20, 2017

Life is Like a Bubble

Another poem today. No real story behind it, just the direction of my mind today...

Life is like a bubble of exquisite magic,
promising infinite wonder
yet is delicate, fragile.
Starting off with joy, with flight
it dares to be bold
For some that lasts forever, for others
gravity takes hold.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


One day back in September 2011, I was in Maine. It was late afternoon and I'd gone out running along the long two lane road my friends (and at that time I) were living on. The street glowed with fallen red, orange and golden leaves; thousands more danced along the branches of the tall trees that guarded the street; a glorious mixture of vibrant life and color. I'd taken my iPod along, counting on the music to help inspire my legs to keep moving. At one point they needed a rest; I slowed my pace and softly got lost in the dizzying magic of color. Breathing in crisp clean air, I let the words of a song carry my mind to the world of faeries. I turned my head then to gaze up at a particularly firery patch of color, and a world with the most incredible magic suddenly woke in my mind...

That night, and in the years since, I have tried to delve deeper into the details of that world's story. So far my efforts have not found success, this week though they did discover the words of this poem. I'll keep working on the story but until then...

Trees of silver branches
leaves that glow lazuli blue,
A web of lost enchantments
all beneath the frozen moon

The sun has lost all wonder
 the air a liquid poison stone,
Every hope descends to madness
  escape through time forever gone

It's a world of desolation
 rage, fear, tiers of twisted fun,
No dream can stave this desperation 
until the final battle's done 

Sunday, April 9, 2017


The first week back from Alaska is never fun. Thankfully, this time around I had a fairly solid ‘Stay as Busy as Possible’ plan, which made the whole experience somewhat less awful than times past. While writing was part of that plan I produced nothing that could be even remotely considered good. Still, I have a strong desire to do better with this blog, so I present instead a small bit from earlier year. It was Day 9 of my January 30 Day Writing Challenge, the quest “Some Words of Wisdom That Speak to You”…


“Do not expect your life to return to normal. That is not what you had in mind when you entered on this odyssey. Normal is a conduct that has no frame of reference in the realities for which you are preparing.”

I do not know who, where or when those words were first uttered, or written. I googled them once but found nothing. I first saw them back in 2010, printed on a postcard painting that'd been taped to the visor of a Subaru that belonged to one of my housesitting clients. Over the next year I housesat for those clients several times and always would use their car to take the dogs hiking twice a day. In all the times I climbed into the driver seat of that car, never once did those words fail to wow me. Their impact and meaning  carved a deep imprint on my soul and left an echo that has followed me through years into each new journey, trial and fearful change. Their message has been a guide, a soft reminder of my deepest dreams, and a balm in moments that chance left me trembling. Their message was also a catalyst, driving me to make the kind of choices that would uproot me from my ‘normal’. They are the whisper behind so the few experiences where I have done something terrifying and, in so doing,  really truly lived. 

I may never learn the original source of these words but I am grateful, deeply, that the universe saw fit to place them in my path, for my life is forever infinitely richer because of them.