Sunday, April 16, 2017


One day back in September 2011, I was in Maine. It was late afternoon and I'd gone out running along the long two lane road my friends (and at that time I) were living on. The street glowed with fallen red, orange and golden leaves; thousands more danced along the branches of the tall trees that guarded the street; a glorious mixture of vibrant life and color. I'd taken my iPod along, counting on the music to help inspire my legs to keep moving. At one point they needed a rest; I slowed my pace and softly got lost in the dizzying magic of color. Breathing in crisp clean air, I let the words of a song carry my mind to the world of faeries. I turned my head then to gaze up at a particularly firery patch of color, and a world with the most incredible magic suddenly woke in my mind...

That night, and in the years since, I have tried to delve deeper into the details of that world's story. So far my efforts have not found success, this week though they did discover the words of this poem. I'll keep working on the story but until then...

Trees of silver branches
leaves that glow lazuli blue,
A web of lost enchantments
all beneath the frozen moon

The sun has lost all wonder
 the air a liquid poison stone,
Every hope descends to madness
  escape through time forever gone

It's a world of desolation
 rage, fear, tiers of twisted fun,
No dream can stave this desperation 
until the final battle's done 

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