Fenrir, the most feared wolf of Norse mythology. His father was Loki, God of Chaos, and his mother the giantess Angrboda. Born with the threat of evil on his breath and the gift of limitless growth in his limbs; the gods feared what he'd become. Through trickery and the assistance of dwarves, the gods bound him with a magical chain made of the sound of cat's footesteps, the beard of a woman, a breath of a fish, sinews of a bear, a birds spit, and the roots of a mountain. Chained to an island rock the gods left Fenrir, and for many hundreds of years he endured nothing but misery.
But nothing lasts forever, and at last the prophecy of Ragnarok rang true and Fenrir broke free.
I saw Fenrir recently. He was fierce, horrible and beautiful. I asked him his thoughts, seized with an unquenchable desire to know what went on inside his mind. He granted my wish; shared his darkness encased in a poem, then was gone.
Devour, death, destroy. Deliver naught but despair.
Rip through them. Rip through teeth, flesh, bone. Sift blood to my soul. Taste death.
They will not see me coming, I'm a ghost inside clouds,
Gnashing teeth among waves, reckless claws in the wind. I am shapeless 'till the last.
Time; roar, lunge from the shadows; darkness; twist all into chaos.
Pouring blood will reign.
They will hear me first. Calling. Howling. Praying.
But not to the moon, crying it's pathetic pearls.
I'll turn that moon red by the time I've done.
Cause the stars to fall, drown their light in fields of lava.
Kill them all. End everything.
Death, destroy, demolish, destruction. Blood, always blood.
Roll in it, soak my heart, turn my thoughts red, and only when the moon shares that violent color,
will I lift my head and sing it's song.
Tear, through life. Shred, crush bones. Make them scream for mercy.Turn those screams into
Open maw; swallow life; consume...Him.
Revenge is power, sweetened by Thunder's blood.
Wild, unhinged, unfettered
Turn the world red.
Set fire to the blood.
Set fire to sun.
Burn it all down.
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