Friday, June 26, 2020


Prompt Challenge: Write the letters of the alphabet down the side of your page. Start at the top, each line will start with the letter on that line. Complete each line as it carries on from the one before.

This prompt has been resting in my inbox for a few weeks now.  Tonight, I decided it had been there a few weeks too long, so I sat down and this spilled out of me. It's dark I know, but sometimes darkness reveals the most truest of beauty. Plus, the world currently feels like it's been trapped inside Poe's Pit and the Pendulum, so you can hardly blame me...


Abalone sea shells
Bare their teeth up to the sky
Crows caw with forced clarity
Daring the mountains beneath them
Eating the clouds of hearts

Far away I’m certain
God exists in a halcyon land, there
Hope is more than a tattered gleam
Islands brim with jewel toned peace
Justice roams with a purposeful hand, but…

Killing is all I see here
Love splayed out, then drawn and quartered
Marooned upon cold sea waves that know
Nothing but cruel barbarity and
Opened doors that have never witnessed laughter

Pain is the ruling monarch
Queen of blood and death and
rage echoing with
Stained words that spill over the seconds of every page
Tripping on the bones of every scattered story

Unheard are screams for mercy, unheeded pleas for peace
Victory is found only by the violent
Wanderers who believe bravery only breeds inside slashing swords, yet
Xtal waterfalls are our true beautiful wonder, but they too fall
Yelling into gravity as each liquid stone sinks from it’s
Zenith into unbeing



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