This was my goal for today. Too often, I find myself slipping into the easy routine of free time spent watching TV while scrolling through time wasting websites. Today I decided that whenever I caught myself about to reach for these over used distractions that I was going to ask myself if that was really what I wanted to do. And some times I did. There were TV shows watched and Buzzfeed and Pintrest explored, but there were times I knew I wanted something different and abstained. There were some mundane chores and tasks that I knew I'd regret putting off so I didn't, but there were others I left for another day. As the evening approaches I look back on today and feel happy. I went out walking in the rain for a cool morning walk that refreshed my soul. I went inside dancing to my favorite songs while the rain continued to sing outside. I took the most delicious late morning nap, drifting in and out of dreams that continue to fill me with secret delight. I worked on an art project inspired by travel, and lifted the cover of a new book to discover a most magical world of fairies inside. And never fear, food was eaten in great abundance.
I also picked up one of my books on Norway to read up more on this sensational country I'm about to head off to. In one of the chapters titled "Life in the Mountains" I came across this little bit of information:
These legendary Norwegian mountain creatures, hostile to humans, can have several heads, a hairy tail, only four fingers, large ears and an unusually long nose (for stirring porridge). They vary from dwarf-like to giant-size. Lurking anywhere in the mountains, they are especially given to living under bridges. Trolls are thought to be responsible for any event for which there is no other logical explanation. Fortunately for walkers they turn to stone in sunlight."
Can I just saw how much I LOVE that an official tourist guide book has introduced this subject of trolls without any question or doubt as to their existence in reality. With just that one paragraph, my excitement for this trip has increased exponentially. And just in case you all are doubting the veracity of it's words, here are just a few pictures of the Norwegian land I am about to explore...

I can't wait!
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