Saturday, October 17, 2015

Roadtrip Moments

I'm now two days into my trek across the country. I came out to frost on my windows this morning so I gave the cats one of my extra fluffy blankets to keep warm. They both burrowed into that happily and while Synge got hot after a couple hours and came out, Faelina spent the whole day hiding inside. 11 1/2 hours on the road (9 1/2 driving) later they are both definitely stressed but they are otherwise healthy and that is most important right now. I feel as though I've become a zombie, but I think that's to be expected and now that I'm actually able to stand and move around again I've recovered somewhat. I stopped for the night in Mundelein, IL to visit with my aunt and uncle. I am writing this with a very foggy mind so please excuse any errors and nonsensical sentences that may appear.

The day took me through five states (and one time zone) and looking back there is a distinct moment or memory of each - mental souvenirs so to speak. Pennsylvania earned the much appreciated distinction of being the only state to not make me pay any tolls, something I've spent a small fortune on in all the others. Ohio was the first place I was actually able to find a Starbucks right off the highway after five hours of fruitless searching. I think there should be some kind of federal law to require those everywhere, everyone travelling all day should at least have a guarantee for quick access to good coffee! I-90 also took me through Cleveland, Ohio, which looks like it would be a fun city to explore someday. Indiana (which happens to be the Faelina's birthplace (not that she would even care) ) had some truly lovely farms. They were surrounded by tall trees whose golden leaves - in the afternoon sun - looked as though Midas himself had touched them . I was reminded of why I could never live in a big city when I found myself driving at a snails pace - on the interstate - through Chicago, although it was nice to see the city and the Sears Tower again.

The best part of the day (other than seeing my aunt and uncle of course!), happened on the outskirts of New York. I'd been following a car for a few minutes before noticing that it had Maine plates, but once I did my mind was instantaneously filled with images and memories of my time there. I succumbed to a wave of homesickness that almost brought forth a few tears but right before they came something happened that stopped their coming. It was the realization of just how lucky I am to have lived in not just one, but two states that I grew to love so much that my leaving them caused me heartache. I know so many people who never know that feeling.

That really gives me hope for what is yet to come...

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