Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Early Morning

This morning I did something I don’t think I’ve ever done before.

It occurred to me one day last week as I was running late for work and rushing to make my usual coffee to go that, while coffee was definitely a major feature in all my mornings, it always came after me doing everything else first. During the week I’m always making coffee just before I leave for work, and on the weekends even if I have a lazy morning, I wake up and feed the cats, take a shower, get dressed etc… before making that first cup. Last week as I was pouring the hot water over the coffee the smell enveloped me and I wanted nothing more than to take my cup of coffee back to bed and drink it there with a book in my hand. I wanted to know what it would feel like.

Yesterday driving home from work I was suddenly so utterly exhausted that I’m surprised I made it home without an accident. I took a short walk to see if the cold air would wake me and it did for a bit, but it quickly became clear to me that I would be in bed sooner than normal. For most of last year I woke up at 3am so that I could get in a morning workout. Most people would say that is crazy, and it is, but the even crazier part is that I actually liked getting up that early. Despite my night owlish tendencies, I have always loved those very early morning hours where the stars are still out and the world is still quiet. But because staying up late for me is as easy as breathing it’s next to impossible to go to bed early enough to get a decent night sleep and still wake up that early. Since starting the program at Mercy I’ve learned the importance of a decent night sleep and when I went back to work I change that number on my alarm from 3 to 4 (especially since workouts are still not allowed for awhile). But last night when I was setting my alarm I remembered my thought from last week, and since I was going to bed early, decided to see what it was like to wake up at 3, not to exercise, but instead to lazily enjoy the morning with coffee in bed.

When my alarm went off this morning I opened my eyes to find Synge curled up on my left and Faelina on my right, a most excellent way to wake up. Tired though I was I did remember my goal for this morning and only lingered in sleep a couple minutes before standing up and walking out to the kitchen. It was actually almost easy to do because I knew what to look forward to, and a few minutes later I headed back to my blankets and pillows with a steaming cup of coffee in hand. I did some writing, played with Faelina for a bit, and just sat looking out my window with the heat of the cup warming my hands and awakening my spirit. I sipped, and thought, and let myself relax and enjoy completely the quiet peace of the moment. And though the coffee I brew myself will never taste as good as when someone makes it for me, I think it was the best cup of coffee I have ever made.

When I was done, it was easier for me to get up and start my day. Since I had woken up so much earlier I was able to take my time instead of rushing through everything. I even had a few minutes to work on a painting I’ve been trying to finish for a week. What I did today will not become a daily occurrence. I know my love of staying up late will prevent me from getting to bed most nights early enough to allow it. But it was such a beautiful start to my day that I will definitely make an effort for it to happen at least a couple times a week. 

As I was gathering my stuff together to leave I accidentally knocked some things off my microwave, and among them was this poem by Hafiz. It had been awhile since I’d truly read it and so paused to do so, remembering with each line why I had fallen in love with it before. I’m sharing them with you all, and I hope that your day ends as wonderfully as mine began.

All the Hemispheres

Leave the familiar for a while.
Let your senses and bodies stretch out

Like a welcomed season
Onto the meadow and shores and hills.

Open up to the Roof.
Make a new watermark on your excitement
And love.

Like a blooming night flower,
Bestow your vital fragrance of happiness
And giving
Upon our intimate assembly.

Change rooms in your mind for a day.

All the hemispheres in existence
Lie beside an equator
In your heart.

Greet Yourself
In your thousand other forms
As you mount the hidden tide and travel
Back home.

All the hemispheres in heaven
Are sitting around a fire
While stitching themselves together
Into the Great Circle inside of

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